Full-bodied and super-easy-to-make Coconut ice cream, guaranteed to satisfy both vegans and non-vegans!
500 ml (a good 2 cups) coconut milk (unsweetened, with at least about 17-18 % fat content)
200 ml (0,85 cup) sugar
200 ml (0,85 cup) coconut flakes
Optional: 1-2 tablespoons of lime juice
If you plan on storing the ice cream in the freezer rather than enjoying it straight away and want to ensure an even more scoopable ice cream:
Consider replacing a part of the sugar with inverted sugar, such as Agave nectar, and/or possibly add about 1 tablespoon of neutral (or coconut-flavoured) alcohol to the base.
Mix all ingredients well together (possibly even run them through a blender, although this is not necessary at all).
Churn in your ice cream machine, or still-freeze in your freezer.
NOTE: If you have a slow ice cream machine, or if you are still-freezing: add the coconut flakes towards the end of the churning/freezing, to avoid having them sink to the bottom during the processing!
Recipe by ICE CREAM NATION at https://www.icecreamnation.org/2017/04/coconut-vegan-icecream/